World of Daera Wikia

The Three Moons of Daera[]


Daera is orbited by three moons. The closest - and largest - is named Rama. It operates on a 30 day cycle, and each of the world’s 12 months matches one of Rama’s cycles. The Elvish calendar and many other calendar systems of the world are based on Rama's orbit. The moon itself is a bright silver, and it is pockmarked with a host of grayish rings and scars. It is written in multiple sources that long ago, an extraordinarily powerful and anal-retentive cabal of geomancers set Daera and Rama into equilibrium so that the calendar could be nice and neat. Rama's orbit shows no signs of decay.

Lesser Moons[]

The two smaller moons are Medro and Loi.


Medro is roughly 20% the mass of Rama and orbits much farther out. It has only a minute impact on the tides, and is hard to see when in the same part of the sky as Rama. Medro is slightly red in color. Some astronomers suspect that this is due to rusted iron on the surface. Medro orbits Daera every 39 days.


Loi is about 12% the mass of Rama and orbits Daera from pole to pole, instead of around the equator. Loi is slightly green, which some astronomers attribute to an abundance of aged copper on its surface. Tiny and distant, Loi’s transpolar orbit makes it a noted anomaly in the cosmos and has led to heated debates among the gnomish boffins who study such things. Loi orbits the world once every 45 days.

Unlike the other two moons, Loi normally appears as a full moon unless it is passing through the high arc of the sky where Daera's shadow falls on the tiny sphere. Instead of over a set part of the world, Loi's orbit carries it across every longitude of the planet every 225 days. The tiny moon's strange orbit is a cause of constant annoyance among astronomers.


There is no known life on any of the moons, and no creatures are known to have visited them.
